Ana Wilson Page 2

Ana, your school can now provide an outlet for kids to have fun with their peers and their families in a fun, safeguarded environment.

Our company accomplishes this objective in two ways:

1. Providing sensational entertainment that the children - and the adults - will enjoy.
2. Helping to raise the money to pay for the fun.

How does this happen?

When a school qualifies, we supply the:

1. Marketing and advertising
2. Professional copy writing
3. Professional, family friendly entertainment
4. Lighting and sound
5. Security
6. Ticketing
7. On-site management for the event

Ana, your school's responsibility is to:

1. Publicize and distribute the marketing materials that WE provide to you
2. Provide the location for hosting the event

At the end of the event, we get paid for our services; and, the your school receives the remainder of the proceeds.

In a proverbial nutshell, your school receives a sensational event on consignment.

But wait, Ana.  It gets better.

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